School of biblical foundations of counselling ministry
About the school
The purpose of an FCM is to develop our identity and character holistically (body, soul and spirit) by establishing the foundational Christian principles of counseling. We use classroom teachings, book work, case studies, small groups, and personal study to help us deepen our understanding of counseling.
In this school we want to create a space for learning and growth, where creativity and art are fundamental tools for healing and positive change. We firmly believe that God desires to bring healing to our lives and that, through creative tools such as dance or visual arts, we give God space to heal and transform.
In this process, we help our students discover their own vision so that they can use what they received in school to disciple in their own fields of work.
Start Date: March 2026
End Date: July 2026
Duration: 5 months
Language: Spanish and English
Location: Moaña, Spain
University of the Nations
Code: CNH 211 and 212
Credits: 18
Requirements: DTS
Normal: 4500€
Reduced: 3800€
The reduced Price is for those students who are doing a DTS in 2024/25 in our Base.
…to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
– 1 Corinthians 3:9-10
Structure of the School
Lecture Phase
The first three months are dedicated to personally live a healing process with God and while doing so, you will learn and be trained to guide others in those same processes. Through basic counseling techniques you will be able to walk with people in their own process of growth and health.
In the last two months our outreach will take place where we will put into practice what we have learned and studied. We will work closely with churches and organizations, we will offer workshops, and counseling moments, using all that we have learned during lecture phase.
Topics, we will talk about and learn together:
The Biblical perspective of the human personality
Healing through relationships
Basic counseling skills and tools
Basic counseling tools in Art therapy and Dance
Emotions and the renewing of the mind
Understanding God’s grace and extending it to others
Identity in Christ and Self-awareness
The Biblical foundations of Counseling
The restoration of the whole person
Human reactions to hurt and rejection
Role of the Holy Spirit in counseling
Family systems
Child counseling
Divine plumb line and the power of the Cross
Your Team
Cacique Calixto Rodrigues
The next Steps
Write us
If you would like to apply or would like more information, contact us:
Fill in
We will send you your application tthat you have to fill in.
Come Over
As soon as you have your acceptance letter, and we have made payment arrangements, you may buy your ticket!
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Fragata Villa De Madrid, 2 (comercial)
36955 Moaña, Pontevedra
Part of YWAM Global | YWAM Europa | YWAM España