A new Base

Our Vision. Our Hope. Our House?

Why a new Base?

As a base we have different focuses, mercy ministries, evangelism, training and discipleship, all under the umbrella of being a place of refuge for everyone who needs it. Since years we are now searching for a good place to call our own.
A place that can house students. A place where staff can live, work and relax. A place where we can welcome our teachers. A space where we can worship freely and fellowship together.

We have been searching for a place to call our own for years. God has opened the door and given us the opportunity to buy a beautiful hotel that would fit our needs perfectl, which is located in our town. The house has a large and lovely outdoor area, plenty of bedrooms; and common areas where we can do life together.

But we can’t do it alone. We need YOU!


How can you help us?

We believe in an awesome God, who can do impossible things. But He doesn´t want to do it alone. He wants us to be part of His mission, so become part of our request and let us come before God together. That can be a short prayer right now or you are praying as a small group. Ultimately, the form in which we ask God does not matter, what is crucial is our attitude of heart.

As we said, we cannot do it alone. We need our friends, our supporters, our churches, but also people we don’t know yet. People, that maybe you know, who have a heart for mission, a heart for Spain, for Galicia, people that you want to inspire. So share this news, share our link with two persons, who maybe never heard about us, post it in social media or simply tell it to others.

The house high costs. We know it’s a lot of money, but we are trusting God to move on our behalf to provide this amount. We want YOU to be part of this very specific miracle! We need a big amount by September 2022 and another big one by June 2023. Every little donation counts, and we are very grateful for it. Thank you for everything! 

How to donate

Via TransferWise Wise

Juventud Con Una misión Vigo


IBAN: BE89 9673 3202 3585

[flag=us]  $

Account: 9600005197907004
Routing: 084009519


Via PayPal PayPal

Juventud Con Una misión Vigo





Via Bank Account

Juventud Con Una misión Vigo


IBAN: ES93 2080 5047 7930 4002 7144

[flag=us]  $

Account: 9600005197907004
Routing: 084009519


Via tax deductible donations



To: YWAM, POBOX 3000, Garden Valley, Tx, 75771



Thank you for everything!



Formar Parte

Join Us

Callejon de Rios, 12 (physical)
Fragata Villa De Madrid, 2 (comercial)
36955 Moaña, Pontevedra
